Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dance Like Your Painting and Live Like Your Dancing

Do what makes you happy, and be happy with what you are doing. There is always something to be grateful for, and that gratitude can go a long ways towards brightening your outlook and making everyday a good day. When I was a dancer, I loved performing. It was like I painted the most beautiful elements of my life on canvas and it’s finally time to unveil it. I could take the time to start writing and practicing choreography again, but these days, there is just too much joy to be had dancing with a baby in my arms and a preteen rolling his eyes at me. It’s the perfect stage for me. It makes me happy. In fact, turning the music up loud and dancing with my kids is such thrill; just thinking about it makes me happy. I feel like I painted breath taking images every time I laid in the euphoria that follows child birth. When I look into that tiny face, with all its tiny features, tiny fingers, tiny toes, a whole new world looks back at me and it smells celestial. With the birth of second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth child, my canvas has become more and more glorious. It’s ever changing and there aren’t words to describe how awesome it is. I don’t feel like I have lost anything as my life has changed from ski-bum, to dancer, to paralegal, to mom each stage has brought with it, a rich quality and nothing surpasses the wealth of my family. I think it’s important to confess here that I have not been immune to the fog of postpartum depression. In fact, at times, dancing saved from the baby blues. I strongly encourage any mother, at any stage to do something that is just for them. I know how hard it is, but as moms, as women, you have to take care of yourself first. You can only give so much and it must be replenished. If you believe you can be rejuvenated you will be rejuvenated. If you have faith that our Father in Heaven can give you strength, he will. If you accept and acknowledge your feelings, you will find support, compassion and love. You will make friends who have thought the things you thought, who have been in that fog that you’re in and can help you find a way out. Look at what you are painting because it’s beautiful. No matter how you paint it. If you are dancing, singing, writing or literally painting, your life is beautiful because you make it that way. Be happy.

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